Friday, June 21, 2013

CS 1410- Week 5!

This class flew by!! I have really enjoyed this class and have learned a lot! This week I have learned:
1. Bits- What bits are and how they are useful to computers
2.ASCII- I thought it was really cool how I could change each letter of my name into codes.
3. Basic Hardware- I learned so much information about computers from chapters 2 and 6! (although the quiz was hard I learned something from it!)
 4. Access your computer- I found it very interesting to see what all I had on my computer and compare it to the information I learned in class!

THANK YOU so much for all your help during the class! I never expected to learn as much as I did!!
  Have a great rest of your summer!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

CS 1410! Week 4!

WOW I cannot believe the class is close to being over! I have learned so much!
This week I have learned:
1. Access #1: I learned what Microsoft Access was and how to use it.
2. Khan Academy- I learned what the Khan Academy was and about the website and I will now use when I need help!
3. Why Learn to Program? Video Response- I learned what coding was and how it is useful for computers.
4. First Scratch Project- I learned what the program Scratch was and how to use it.
5. Scratch with 8 Blocks- I learned how to be creative with Scratch when I was only allowed certain blocks.
6. My 2 Sprites- I learned how to incorporate 2 sprites into one Scratch.
7. Interactive Postcard- I learned to make a postcard and have fun using Scratch.

Have a great week!

Friday, June 7, 2013

CS 1410 Week 3 Blog

I have learned so much in this class during this week! There were things in Microsoft Excel that I did not know you were able to do!
In each module this week I learned:
1. Mailing List Spreadsheet- I learned what a COUNTIF was and how to add up different states with it.
2. Creating The Letter- I learned that you need to make a letter general and not specific to one person if it will be sent to many people.
3. Mail Merge- I learned a much easier way to address letters without having to type or write addresses for each letter. 

Have a great day! :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

CS 1410- Week 2 Blog!

Hey Everyone! Hope ya'll and having a great summer so far and enjoying this class!
I have really enjoyed the first two weeks! I have learned a lot already that I didn't know.
- On each module I have learned:
1. Facebook Privacy- I learned that Facebook has a tricky way of wording their privacy policy to make you feel like you have control, when nothing it really private in the internet.
2. Smart Phones- I didn't realize all that smart phones are capable of doing. I learned that a smart phone can detect your mood by the places you visit (kinda weird I think).
3. Survey Monkey- I learned that there are many different formats to answer a question on survey monkey and it is a very helpful way to collect data.
4. TED talk- I loved the TED talk. I learned so much, but one thing is  that technology in the medical field is changing fast to where a smart phone could take vital signs and detect a disease without the patient having to visit the doctor in the future!
5. Excel Home Budget- I looked at what my budget would be when I begin my nursing career. I learned that there is a lot more money that will be spent than I realized and I will definitely have to balance my money wisely.

Have a wonderful week!